Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Stormwing Hunter's Platinum Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Stormwing Expert's Platinum Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
180 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
180 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
180 / 180
Damage reduction +11%
Level 5
86 / 180
Damage reduction +15%
Stormwing Hunter's Gold Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Stormwing Expert's Gold Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
30 / 30
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
60 / 60
Damage reduction +4%
Level 3
90 / 90
Damage reduction +6%
Level 4
120 / 120
Damage reduction +10%
Stormwing Hunter's Silver Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Stormwing Expert's Silver Cube (Beshmundir Storm Temple, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
24 / 24
Damage reduction +3%
Level 3
34 / 34
Damage reduction +5%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Beritra Hunter's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Beritra Expert's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
55 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Beritra Hunter's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Beritra Expert's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
54 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Beritra Hunter's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Beritra Expert's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Oris Hunter's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Oris Expert's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
16 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Oris Hunter's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Oris Expert's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Oris Hunter's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Oris Expert's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Mortasha Hunter's Platinum Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Mortasha Expert's Platinum Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
180 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
180 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
180 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
180 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Mortasha Hunter's Gold Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Mortasha Expert's Gold Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Mortasha Hunter's Silver Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Mortasha Expert's Silver Cube (Ara Infernalia, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Hunter's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Expert's Platinum Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
11 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Hunter's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
0 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
0 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
0 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Expert's Gold Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
21 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
0 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
0 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Hunter's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
5 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
0 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Magma/Heat Protector Expert's Silver Cube (Makarna of Bitterness, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
17 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
SVR-07 Hunter's Platinum Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
11 / 180
Additional damage +35%
SVR-07 Expert's Platinum Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
45 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
SVR-07 Hunter's Gold Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
SVR-07 Expert's Gold Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
40 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
SVR-07 Hunter's Silver Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
SVR-07 Expert's Silver Cube (Beninerk's Manor, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Mob Leader Hunter's Platinum Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Mob Leader Expert's Platinum Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
180 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
180 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
180 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
85 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Mob Leader Hunter's Gold Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Mob Leader Expert's Gold Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Mob Leader Hunter's Silver Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Mob Leader Expert's Silver Cube (Stella Development Laboratory, normal)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Hunter's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Expert's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Hunter's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Expert's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Hunter's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Yarkhan/Barkhan Expert's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Prometun Hunter's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Prometun Expert's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Prometun Hunter's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Prometun Expert's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Prometun Hunter's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Prometun Expert's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Tarukkan Hunter's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Tarukkan Expert's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Tarukkan Hunter's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Tarukkan Expert's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
80 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Tarukkan Hunter's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Tarukkan Expert's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Raging Prigga Hunter's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
180 / 180
Additional damage +4%
Level 2
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +17%
Level 4
180 / 180
Additional damage +25%
Level 5
180 / 180
Additional damage +35%
Raging Prigga Expert's Platinum Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 180
Damage reduction +2%
Level 2
0 / 180
Damage reduction +5%
Level 3
0 / 180
Damage reduction +9%
Level 4
0 / 180
Damage reduction +14%
Level 5
0 / 180
Damage reduction +21%
Raging Prigga Hunter's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Additional damage +3%
Level 3
45 / 45
Additional damage +6%
Level 4
80 / 80
Additional damage +10%
Raging Prigga Expert's Gold Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
35 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
45 / 45
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
68 / 80
Damage reduction +6%
Raging Prigga Hunter's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Additional damage +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Additional damage +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Additional damage +5%
Raging Prigga Expert's Silver Cube (Prometun's Workship, difficult)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
18 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
26 / 26
Damage reduction +3%
Overall effect
Additional damage
Damage reduction
Cube list
Cube info
Ereshkigal Hunter's Gold Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
0 / 10
Additional damage +2%
Level 2
0 / 18
Additional damage +5%
Level 3
0 / 26
Additional damage +10%
Ereshkigal Expert's Gold Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
0 / 10
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
0 / 18
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
0 / 26
Damage reduction +5%
Ereshkigal Hunter's Silver Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
0 / 20
Additional damage +2%
Level 2
0 / 35
Additional damage +4%
Level 3
0 / 45
Additional damage +8%
Level 4
0 / 80
Additional damage +15%
Ereshkigal Expert's Silver Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
0 / 20
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
0 / 35
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
0 / 45
Damage reduction +5%
Level 4
0 / 80
Damage reduction +10%
Ereshkigal Hunter's Bronze Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
60 / 60
Additional damage +3%
Level 2
120 / 120
Additional damage +6%
Level 3
180 / 180
Additional damage +10%
Level 4
4 / 240
Additional damage +16%
Level 5
0 / 300
Additional damage +25%
Ereshkigal Expert's Bronze Cube (Senekta)
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
60 / 60
Damage reduction +1%
Level 2
120 / 120
Damage reduction +2%
Level 3
156 / 180
Damage reduction +4%
Level 4
0 / 240
Damage reduction +8%
Level 5
0 / 300
Damage reduction +15%
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Mosbear Life
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
HP +132
Level 2
10 / 10
HP +189
Level 3
15 / 15
HP +270
Level 4
20 / 20
HP +385
Level 5
25 / 25
HP +550
Gold Cube of Mosbear Life
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
HP +429
Level 2
10 / 10
HP +613
Level 3
15 / 15
HP +875
Level 4
20 / 20
HP +1.330
Level 5
25 / 25
HP +1.900
Silver Cube of Mosbear Life
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
HP +420
Level 2
20 / 20
HP +600
Level 3
30 / 30
HP +858
Level 4
40 / 40
HP +1.225
Level 5
50 / 50
HP +1.650
Bronze Cube of Mosbear Life
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
HP +336
Level 2
40 / 40
HP +480
Level 3
60 / 60
HP +686
Level 4
80 / 80
HP +980
Level 5
100 / 100
HP +1.400
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Agrint Spirit
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
MP +95
Level 2
10 / 10
MP +132
Level 3
15 / 15
MP +189
Level 4
20 / 20
MP +270
Level 5
25 / 25
MP +385
Gold Cube of Agrint Spirit
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
MP +300
Level 2
10 / 10
MP +429
Level 3
15 / 15
MP +613
Level 4
20 / 20
MP +931
Level 5
25 / 25
MP +1.330
Silver Cube of Agrint Spirit
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
MP +294
Level 2
20 / 20
MP +420
Level 3
30 / 30
MP +600
Level 4
40 / 40
MP +858
Level 5
50 / 50
MP +1.155
Bronze Cube of Agrint Spirit
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
MP +235
Level 2
40 / 40
MP +336
Level 3
60 / 60
MP +480
Level 4
80 / 80
MP +686
Level 5
100 / 100
MP +980
Overall effect
Healing Boost
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Trico Blessing
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Healing Boost +3
Level 2
10 / 10
Healing Boost +5
Level 3
15 / 15
Healing Boost +6
Level 4
20 / 20
Healing Boost +9
Level 5
25 / 25
Healing Boost +13
Gold Cube of Trico Blessing
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Healing Boost +10
Level 2
10 / 10
Healing Boost +15
Level 3
15 / 15
Healing Boost +21
Level 4
20 / 20
Healing Boost +32
Level 5
25 / 25
Healing Boost +46
Silver Cube of Trico Blessing
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Healing Boost +10
Level 2
20 / 20
Healing Boost +14
Level 3
30 / 30
Healing Boost +21
Level 4
40 / 40
Healing Boost +29
Level 5
50 / 50
Healing Boost +40
Bronze Cube of Trico Blessing
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Healing Boost +8
Level 2
40 / 40
Healing Boost +12
Level 3
60 / 60
Healing Boost +16
Level 4
80 / 80
Healing Boost +24
Level 5
100 / 100
Healing Boost +34
Overall effect
Physical Attack
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Worg Madness
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Physical Attack +10
Level 2
10 / 10
Physical Attack +14
Level 3
15 / 15
Physical Attack +20
Level 4
20 / 20
Physical Attack +29
Level 5
25 / 25
Physical Attack +42
Gold Cube of Worg Madness
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Physical Attack +33
Level 2
10 / 10
Physical Attack +47
Level 3
15 / 15
Physical Attack +67
Level 4
20 / 20
Physical Attack +101
Level 5
25 / 25
Physical Attack +144
Silver Cube of Worg Madness
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Physical Attack +32
Level 2
20 / 20
Physical Attack +46
Level 3
30 / 30
Physical Attack +65
Level 4
40 / 40
Physical Attack +93
Level 5
50 / 50
Physical Attack +125
Bronze Cube of Worg Madness
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Physical Attack +26
Level 2
40 / 40
Physical Attack +36
Level 3
60 / 60
Physical Attack +52
Level 4
80 / 80
Physical Attack +74
Level 5
100 / 100
Physical Attack +106
Overall effect
Magic Attack
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Griffon Wisdom
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Attack +10
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Attack +14
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Attack +20
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Attack +29
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Attack +42
Gold Cube of Griffon Wisdom
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Attack +33
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Attack +47
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Attack +67
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Attack +101
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Attack +144
Silver Cube of Griffon Wisdom
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Magic Attack +32
Level 2
20 / 20
Magic Attack +46
Level 3
30 / 30
Magic Attack +65
Level 4
40 / 40
Magic Attack +93
Level 5
50 / 50
Magic Attack +125
Bronze Cube of Griffon Wisdom
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Magic Attack +26
Level 2
40 / 40
Magic Attack +36
Level 3
60 / 60
Magic Attack +52
Level 4
80 / 80
Magic Attack +74
Level 5
100 / 100
Magic Attack +106
Overall effect
Physical Defence
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Starturtle's Protection
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Physical Defence +10
Level 2
10 / 10
Physical Defence +14
Level 3
15 / 15
Physical Defence +20
Level 4
20 / 20
Physical Defence +29
Level 5
25 / 25
Physical Defence +42
Gold Cube of Starturtle's Protection
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Physical Defence +33
Level 2
10 / 10
Physical Defence +47
Level 3
15 / 15
Physical Defence +67
Level 4
20 / 20
Physical Defence +101
Level 5
25 / 25
Physical Defence +144
Silver Cube of Starturtle's Protection
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Physical Defence +32
Level 2
20 / 20
Physical Defence +46
Level 3
30 / 30
Physical Defence +65
Level 4
40 / 40
Physical Defence +93
Level 5
50 / 50
Physical Defence +125
Bronze Cube of Starturtle's Protection
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Physical Defence +26
Level 2
40 / 40
Physical Defence +36
Level 3
60 / 60
Physical Defence +52
Level 4
80 / 80
Physical Defence +74
Level 5
100 / 100
Physical Defence +106
Overall effect
Magic Defence
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Scolopen Defence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Defence +10
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Defence +14
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Defence +20
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Defence +29
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Defence +42
Gold Cube of Scolopen Defence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Defence +33
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Defence +47
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Defence +67
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Defence +101
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Defence +144
Silver Cube of Scolopen Defence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Magic Defence +32
Level 2
20 / 20
Magic Defence +46
Level 3
30 / 30
Magic Defence +65
Level 4
40 / 40
Magic Defence +93
Level 5
50 / 50
Magic Defence +125
Bronze Cube of Scolopen Defence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Magic Defence +26
Level 2
40 / 40
Magic Defence +36
Level 3
60 / 60
Magic Defence +52
Level 4
80 / 80
Magic Defence +74
Level 5
100 / 100
Magic Defence +106
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Malodor's Will
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Accuracy +15
Level 2
10 / 10
Accuracy +21
Level 3
15 / 15
Accuracy +30
Level 4
20 / 20
Accuracy +42
Level 5
25 / 25
Accuracy +61
Gold Cube of Malodor's Will
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Accuracy +47
Level 2
10 / 10
Accuracy +67
Level 3
15 / 15
Accuracy +96
Level 4
20 / 20
Accuracy +146
Level 5
25 / 25
Accuracy +209
Silver Cube of Malodor's Will
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Accuracy +46
Level 2
20 / 20
Accuracy +66
Level 3
30 / 30
Accuracy +94
Level 4
40 / 40
Accuracy +135
Level 5
50 / 50
Accuracy +182
Bronze Cube of Malodor's Will
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Accuracy +37
Level 2
40 / 40
Accuracy +53
Level 3
60 / 60
Accuracy +75
Level 4
80 / 80
Accuracy +108
Level 5
100 / 100
Accuracy +154
Overall effect
Magical Acc
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Oculazen Rationality
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magical Acc +15
Level 2
10 / 10
Magical Acc +21
Level 3
15 / 15
Magical Acc +30
Level 4
20 / 20
Magical Acc +42
Level 5
25 / 25
Magical Acc +61
Gold Cube of Oculazen Rationality
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magical Acc +47
Level 2
10 / 10
Magical Acc +67
Level 3
15 / 15
Magical Acc +96
Level 4
20 / 20
Magical Acc +146
Level 5
25 / 25
Magical Acc +209
Silver Cube of Oculazen Rationality
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Magical Acc +46
Level 2
20 / 20
Magical Acc +66
Level 3
30 / 30
Magical Acc +94
Level 4
40 / 40
Magical Acc +135
Level 5
50 / 50
Magical Acc +182
Bronze Cube of Oculazen Rationality
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Magical Acc +37
Level 2
40 / 40
Magical Acc +53
Level 3
60 / 60
Magical Acc +75
Level 4
80 / 80
Magical Acc +108
Level 5
100 / 100
Magical Acc +154
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Airon Dexterity
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Evasion +29
Level 2
10 / 10
Evasion +42
Level 3
15 / 15
Evasion +59
Level 4
20 / 20
Evasion +85
Level 5
25 / 25
Evasion +121
Gold Cube of Airon Dexterity
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Evasion +94
Level 2
10 / 10
Evasion +135
Level 3
15 / 15
Evasion +193
Level 4
20 / 20
Evasion +293
Level 5
25 / 25
Evasion +418
Silver Cube of Airon Dexterity
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Evasion +92
Level 2
20 / 20
Evasion +132
Level 3
30 / 30
Evasion +189
Level 4
40 / 40
Evasion +270
Level 5
50 / 50
Evasion +363
Bronze Cube of Airon Dexterity
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Evasion +74
Level 2
40 / 40
Evasion +106
Level 3
60 / 60
Evasion +151
Level 4
80 / 80
Evasion +216
Level 5
100 / 100
Evasion +308
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Phantom Honour
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Parry +29
Level 2
10 / 10
Parry +42
Level 3
15 / 15
Parry +59
Level 4
20 / 20
Parry +85
Level 5
25 / 25
Parry +121
Gold Cube of Phantom Honour
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Parry +94
Level 2
10 / 10
Parry +135
Level 3
15 / 15
Parry +193
Level 4
20 / 20
Parry +293
Level 5
25 / 25
Parry +418
Silver Cube of Phantom Honour
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Parry +92
Level 2
20 / 20
Parry +132
Level 3
30 / 30
Parry +189
Level 4
40 / 40
Parry +270
Level 5
50 / 50
Parry +363
Bronze Cube of Phantom Honour
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Parry +74
Level 2
40 / 40
Parry +106
Level 3
60 / 60
Parry +151
Level 4
80 / 80
Parry +216
Level 5
100 / 100
Parry +308
Overall effect
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Angolem's Vow
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Block +29
Level 2
10 / 10
Block +42
Level 3
15 / 15
Block +59
Level 4
20 / 20
Block +85
Level 5
25 / 25
Block +121
Gold Cube of Angolem's Vow
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Block +94
Level 2
10 / 10
Block +135
Level 3
15 / 15
Block +193
Level 4
20 / 20
Block +293
Level 5
25 / 25
Block +418
Silver Cube of Angolem's Vow
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Block +92
Level 2
20 / 20
Block +132
Level 3
30 / 30
Block +189
Level 4
40 / 40
Block +270
Level 5
50 / 50
Block +363
Bronze Cube of Angolem's Vow
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Block +74
Level 2
40 / 40
Block +106
Level 3
60 / 60
Block +151
Level 4
80 / 80
Block +216
Level 5
100 / 100
Block +308
Overall effect
Magic Suppression
Cube list
Cube info
Platinum Cube of Caryatid Silence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Suppression +29
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Suppression +42
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Suppression +59
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Suppression +85
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Suppression +121
Gold Cube of Caryatid Silence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
5 / 5
Magic Suppression +94
Level 2
10 / 10
Magic Suppression +135
Level 3
15 / 15
Magic Suppression +193
Level 4
20 / 20
Magic Suppression +293
Level 5
25 / 25
Magic Suppression +418
Silver Cube of Caryatid Silence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
10 / 10
Magic Suppression +92
Level 2
20 / 20
Magic Suppression +132
Level 3
30 / 30
Magic Suppression +189
Level 4
40 / 40
Magic Suppression +270
Level 5
50 / 50
Magic Suppression +363
Bronze Cube of Caryatid Silence
Level Collected Attribute information
Level 1
20 / 20
Magic Suppression +74
Level 2
40 / 40
Magic Suppression +106
Level 3
60 / 60
Magic Suppression +151
Level 4
80 / 80
Magic Suppression +216
Level 5
100 / 100
Magic Suppression +308
PvE Record Sessions
Boss bossDPS Duration Buffs
PvP Sessions
Date Battleground Result Kills Score