Stormwing (Hard Mode) in Beshmundir Temple

Session: 06.09.2023 23:42:00 - 23:46:13
Duration: 4min 12s
Game Version: 2.0
App Version:
# Player Server DPS DMG Heal Buffs Copy Damage(DPS)
1 Privatecheat Atreia 2.642 667.080 0 Blessing of Health II Brilliant Protection I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 8 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Hit Mantra I Effect 43 Victory Mantra IV Effect 44 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 45 Windproof Increase Crit Strike Attack Speed Increase 2 Increase Natural Recovery Serum Boost Critical Hits and Accuracy
2 Venum Atreia 2.354 594.241 0 Blessing of Health II Brilliant Protection I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 8 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Hit Mantra I Effect 43 Victory Mantra IV Effect 43 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 45 Increase Movement Speed 2 Casting Speed Increase 2 Increase Magic Boost and Magical Accuracy Wise Daeva Candy
3 Fukumean Atreia 1.639 413.803 0 Blessing of Health II 2 Brilliant Protection I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 6 Blessing of Stone I 2 Word of Quickness I Hit Mantra I Effect 35 Victory Mantra IV Effect 35 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 36 Boost Crit Spell 2 Increase Movement Speed 2 Casting Speed Increase 2 Increase Natural Recovery Serum 2 Increase Magic Boost and Magical Accuracy 2
4 Pera Atreia 16 4.118 181.974 Blessing of Health II Brilliant Protection I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 8 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Hit Mantra I Effect 43 Victory Mantra IV Effect 43 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 44 Windproof Increase Increase Movement Speed Casting Speed Increase Increase Magic Boost, Magical Accuracy, Maximum HP and Maximum Flight Time Increase Natural Recovery Serum
5 Big Atreia 0 0 86.211 Blessing of Health II Brilliant Protection I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 8 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Hit Mantra I Effect 43 Victory Mantra IV Effect 43 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 44 Increase Movement Speed Casting Speed Increase 4
Damage Contribution
Loot Table
Item Amount Looted by